- The manuscript review process is complete
- A total of 55 papers totalling about 740 pages have been accepted
- The papers will be published as a two-part Supplement to Volume 112 (the 2018 volume)
- Articles are available online on https://link.springer.com/journal/710/onlineFirst/page/1
The 11 IKC Proceedings Volume will be published as a Special Volume of the well-known international journal Mineralogy and Petrology, published by Springer, that had an IF (impact factor) of 1.6 in 2013. Mineralogy and Petrology (previously Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen) is one of Europe’s oldest geoscientific journals (since 1872).
In keeping with a long-standing tradition of kimberlite conferences, 11 IKC is intending to provide one free hard copy of the Proceedings Volumes to every fully registered conference delegate. The proceedings volume is sponsored by Rio Tinto.
Chief Guest Editor:
Thomas Stachel (University of Alberta)
Guest Editors for the different scientific themes:
Andrea Giuliani (The University of Melbourne)
Casey Hetman (SRK Consulting)
Jarek Jakubec (SRK Consulting)
Philip Janney (University of Cape Town)
Bruce Kjarsgaard (Geological Survey of Canada)
Alan Kobussen (Rio Tinto)
Jingao Liu (China University of Geosciences, Beijing)
Oded Navon (Hebrew University)
Graham Pearson (University of Alberta)
Roberta Rudnick (University of California, Santa Barbara)
David Snyder (Geological Survey of Canada)
Thomas Stachel (University of Alberta)
Manuscript Submission
Mineralogy and Petrology an online manuscript submission and manuscripts will undergo a peer review process and be published at the discretion of the 11 IKC Proceedings Volume Chief Guest Editor. There will be no charge for colour pages. The manuscript deadlines are:
Manuscript Submission Opens: 15 August 2017
Manuscript Submission Ends: 15 November 2017
Points to consider for the preparation of manuscripts:
• Contributions to the 11 IKC proceedings are limited to a maximum of ten printed journal pages; they should not contain more than seven figures and three tables. As a rough estimate, the word count should not exceed 31,000 characters (no spaces; or 36,000 with spaces); these numbers will vary somewhat depending on the number and size of tables and figures. Authors are required to provide a character count (beneath the keywords section. This Word template can be downloaded from MineralPetrol_Template.docx) with their submission.
• Authors are encouraged to provide additional, less substantial figures and/or extensive data sets as electronic supplemental material(s), in order to keep articles short and concise.
• Authors are encouraged to use the journal template (MineralPetrol_Template.docx). The few hints included in that document, however, cannot replace the careful consideration of the Instructions for Authors available at the journal homepage (http://mipe.edmgr.com/; see menu on the top right).
• It is important not to insert figures into the running manuscript text; authors are asked to provide them as separate files (preferentially editable files, such as EPS).
• Authors need to submit their manuscript via the Editorial Manager system that is available at http://mipe.edmgr.com/. For this, authors need to register, if they should not have done so previously.
• Authors have to choose the correct Article Type during the submission process. For the 11 IKC proceedings, authors have to pick “Supplement Kimberlites”