Field Trip 4: Highland Gems – Maluti Mountain Diamonds, Lesotho

This field trip will visit Lesotho’s Maluti Mountains. Diamond mines and projects that will be visited include Letseng-la-Terai Diamond Mine as well as Mothae, Kao, Liqhobong, Lemphane and Motete in Lesotho which are mainly on top of the 3000m Lesotho Highlands. The Monastery mine in the Free State of South Africa is also included on this trip. Transport will be in 4x4 double-cab vehicles. 

Field Trip Leaders
Casey Hetman and Andre Fourie.

Post-Conference: Saturday 23 September 2017 to Saturday 30 September 2017
ZAR 35,500 (see registration page for further details)

Number of Delegates

There will only be one post-conference field trip which is restricted to 12 delegates only. 

Start and End Points
Both are Johannesburg, South Africa.

Detailed Itinerary 
For a detailed field trip itinerary click here.

Photo credits left to right: Letseng Diamond Mine at 3000m at the top of the Lesotho Highlands with the Main Pipe in the foreground and the Satellite Pipe behind, Bob Burrell, Letseng Diamond Mine; Aerial view of the Liqhobong Diamond Mine looking Southeast, Firestone Diamonds; Aerial view of the Mothae kimberlite, Steve Grimmer, Paragon Diamonds; Kao Mine, Storm Mountain Diamonds.