Short Abstract Submission

Short Abstract submission now closed

Applications for an 11 IKC oral or poster presentation require the submission of one Short Abstract per request. 

Short abstracts should align with one of the following six conference scientific themes. Authors will be required to allocate their abstract to one of these categories and indicate the presenting author. 

  1. Emplacement and Economic Geology of Kimberlites and Related Magmas
  2. The Diamond Substrate - Petrology and Geochemistry of Earth's Mantle
  3. Geology and Gemmology of Diamond
  4. The Origin and Evolution of Kimberlites and Related Magmas
  5. Diamond Deposits - Exploration and Mining
  6. The Structure of Cratons

The Short Abstracts must be submitted via the 11 IKC online submission system which opens on 12 September 2016 and closes 13 January 2017. There will be a non-refundable submission fee for each abstract of US$45. The submitting (presenting) author must have paid a 10% non-refundable deposit on the full delegate registration prior to submission.  

Short Abstracts are limited to 500 words of text, excluding title, author(s) and affiliation(s). Submissions should be clear, concise and written in English. No figures or tables should be included. We recommend that each Short Abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked by all authors. The Short Abstracts will be used for the selection of oral and poster presentations by the Technical Programme Sub-Committee only (i.e. they will not be made public). Preliminary notification of abstract acceptance (or rejection) will be sent by 01 February 2017.

Presenting authors are required to pay full registration by 01 March 2017. Initial notification of allocation of oral or poster presentations will be sent by 15 March 2017. Final acceptance of each presentation will be subject to receipt of a 3 page Long Abstract by 15 May 2017. The title and authors of the Long Abstract should be the same as for the Short Abstract.

The Short Abstract deadlines are as follows: 

Short Abstract Submission Opens: 12 September 2016
Short Abstract Submission Extended: 13 January 2017
Preliminary Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 01 February 2017
Payment of Full Delegate Conference Registration Due: 01 March 2017
Initial Oral or Poster Presentation Allocation Notification: 15 March 2017

Instructions to Authors for Submission of Short Abstract 

  • Short abstracts are submitted by filling out the required fields on the online submission page.
  • Authors need to supply: a title, names and affiliations (including email addresses) of all authors, and a short abstract text of up to 500 Words. 
  • We recommend using a text editor to prepare and spell check the main body of text, before pasting into the submission box.
  • Tables, illustrations or photos cannot be submitted with the short abstract. There also are no references or citations.

If you have registered, paid your abstract fee(s), and prepared your abstract, please click the Submit Your Abstract button below. Please note you will need your Access Code that was provided with your registration confirmation email.

If you cannot find it, you will be able to request it by clicking Forgot Access Key link.

If you have not registered yet, please register now in order to be able to access the Abstract submission site.

There will be a non-refundable submission fee for each abstract of US$45. The submitting (presenting) author must pay a 10% non-refundable deposit on the full delegate registration prior to submission.  

If you have registered, but not paid the abstract submission fee, you need to go back to your online registration records by clicking the Register Now button below (using the Access Key) and add the abstract(s) and pay the fees for them before you can access the abstract submissions site.